Monday, February 16, 2009

Glorious Monday!!!

I don't usually start the week off with a title like that, but since today is "President's Day", it is a Glorious Day!!  Whoo hoo!! I have the day off!!  I slept in and I will take the time to do some cleaning, baking, and scrapping!!!  Oh how I long for days like this!!  I am going to enjoy each and every minute of it!!  
I had a fantastic weekned too!!!  My sweetie and I were home alone and we had the best time together!!  We started the weekend off by getting some things done around the house.  I finished our taxes and Heidi's FAFSA forms!!   That is a great weight off my shoulders for sure!!!

Before we got started on Saturday, my sweetie and I took some fun pictures for my Scrapping the Music Layout.  I swear we laughed and giggled like Newlyweds!!  You wouldn't have even thought that we will be celebrating our 25th Wedding Anniversary this June!!   This week's song is 1, 2, 3, 4  by the Plain White T's.  I hope you get a chance to check out the challenge this week, the lyrics are awesome.   I used my Color Me Daisy February kit for this one!! So perfect for Valentine's layouts!!  I also had some fun with some shimmering mist.  My journaling, taken from the lyrics of the song, read as follows:1. "I'm so glad I found you! 2. You make it all better when I'm sad. 3. You piece me back together when I fall apart. 4. 3 words 4 you...I love you!!

After our little photo session on Saturday, we did a little shopping and went out  for coffee and dinner with some friends!!  It was all a surprise.  Our husband's did a great job planning the whole evening!!!  I am so proud of them.  Before dinner, they took us to a cute little coffee house downtown called Wild Joe's that featured live music and we enjoyed a cup of coffee and lively conversation with each other.  We spent nearly two hours just enjoying the atmosphere and each other's company.  It was fantastic.  After coffee, they walked us back toward the car and asked us to wait at the stop light for a minute.  They walked over to the car and we knew they were up to something.  They came back for us with a beautiful rose in hand.  How sweet was that???  We had no idea, but our dinner reservations were right up the street at the Cat Eye Cafe.  We know the owners of the Cat Eye and every time we eat there it is a wild experience!!  If you ever make it to Bozeman, Montana, we do recommend the Cat Eye.  It is a very small restraunt, but the food and service is like none other.  Kevin is an amazing Chef and Tina....well Tina is just Tina!! We love her!!  We all had steak and it was perfect!!  They boys had blackened steak and blue cheese mashers and Linda and I had steak with Marsala mushroom sauce with red potatoes.   Heavenly I tell you!!  For dessert, they treated us to some Gingerbread that was to die for.    We haven't laughed so hard in a long while.  It was the best night ever!!!  Thanks boys for making us feel like queens for the night!!   You rock!!

I hope you all had a fantstic weekend!!!  
Thanks for taking some time and reading about mine!!
I hope this President's day finds you healthy and happy and whether you are working or have the day off, I hope it is a good one!!


  1. this is so great Kristii! You 2 look like you're having so much fun!

  2. I love your wonderful and fun layout- such amazing photos. And so cute to hear about your valentine's day- sounds like such a precious day :-)

  3. Kristii awesome layout! Glad you had such a great weekend. Don't you just love men who can plan and pull off a fun surprize!

  4. beautiful layout!!!

  5. My husband is in a bit of a romance funk, maybe he needs some coaching from you sweet guy! Love the layout and that you guys could do a fun photo shot just because!

  6. Sounds wonderful Kristii! Your hubby sure is a keeper! You have been blessed.

    I LOVE your layout.

  7. What a great night that must have been! I love the layout and the pictures are evidence of your love look so happy together! Enjoy your day off!

  8. I haven't caught up with your blog for a while - you've created yet more stunning layouts! I love the one of your daughter on the MM die cut paper - so bright and fun.

    Glad you had a lovely weekend :D

  9. Fantastic LO! Love the mist, and such fun pictures! Glad you had a great weekend and enjoy your Monday off!

  10. It is a glorious Monday! I am glad you had a day off to do fun things. We all need that every now and then. Love your layout. I love the story behind the photos. It is nice to hear good marriage stories. 25 years?! Huh?! Did you get married when you were ten?

  11. MOM! How come you didn't call me?! I miss you and can't wait to talk to you about your lovely weekend. I also can't wait to SEE you very soon! LOVE YOU!!!

  12. Oh Kristii, love the pics that the two of you took. So glad that you and your hubby are still so in love, with so many marriages not making it, this is such a tribute!!!! Love the LO and the placement of the photos and details!!! I love the little details of all of your work!!! Number one fan here!!!!! Sounds like you had a wonderful Valentine's Day and the boys did a great job!!!! Would love to visit Montana, I here it is beautiful!!!! Hope your day off was very good!!! Still trying to get on my feet, but the process has been long and drawn out!!!! Can't wait to get out of this bed!!!
