Saturday, February 14, 2009

Happy Valentines Day!!!

What a wonderful day this has been!!  I have been enjoying spending time with my sweetie and we are getting ready to go out for dinner with some friends this evening!!  I am not sure what the boys are planning.  They are being quite secretive!!!  Kinda makes me nervous!!  I will tell you all about our evening tomorrow!!  

I just have to say for the record, I am the luckiest woman in the world!!  I have married to my sweetie for almost 25 years and I have to say we are more in love today than yesterday!  He truly does complete me and we totally compliment each other!!  I am so thankful to have such a wonderful, caring and compassionate husband!! I am truly blessed!!

I have one card to post today and I will have my Scrapping the Music Layout to post tomrrow.  I hope you check out the STM blog because the song for next week is fantastic!

I was late getting this on their blog, but I wanted to get it posted just the same!!  
I have been having a lot of fun with these challenges!!  I used my Color Me Daisy  February kit along with a couple of items from my stash.  Check out the CPS blog.  The sketches are awesome!

Well, I hope you have a day full of love and laughter!!!
May you think upon the greatest love story of all:  John 3:16!


  1. Love this card, it's so pretty! Can't wait to hear how your special night went!

  2. The card is awesome and it sounds like a fun evening is in the making!! I too am blessed with me soul mate. Recouping from the surgery, but we will be spending Valentine's Day together and that is all that really matters!!

  3. *Sigh* sounds like U had an AMAZING Valentines DAY! :):):):):):):):):):):):):):):)

  4. Beautiful card! Can't wait to hear about your evening out!

  5. Gorgous card, Kristii! And 25 years, wow, what an accomplishment!! Hope you guys had a wonderful V-day!!

  6. Very very lovely! How did your special night go? Hope it was truly blessed!
    Love Kathie

  7. That is one gorgeous card girl! Glad you had such a wonderful day!

  8. I really adore your layout titled "in the blink of an eye". Brought a tear to my eye! Lovely for all moms.

  9. Hope your Valentine's dinner was extra special. I love hearing of lasting, completely wonderful relationships. It feeds the romantic in me. Loved the card!
