Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Little Red Scrapbook Gallery Reveal!!!!

Happy Wednesday everyone!!!
Today is my long working day, 8:30 am - 9:30 pm, but I am ready to hit it head on with a great big smile on my face!!!!  This is the day that the Lord has made, I will rejoice and be glad in it!!!  

I am doing very well with my 30 day wellness challenge.  I have lost 4 pounds, whoo hoo, and I continue to exercise and eat right every day!!!  I am also continuing to finish my Esther Study and I also have a daily reading bible which is working out perfectly!!!  I hope you jump on board the Wellness Challenge, It feels great!!!

The Little  Red Scrapbook May Gallery is up and the DT has totally rocked October Afternoon!!!
I just loved this kit and I can't wait to share my designs with you!!!!

I used to love to dress my girls alike when they were little and of course pink was the dominant color.  I just had to do a pink layout with these October Afternoon papers.  What better title to use than....Think Pink???   The pictures were taken in 1988....Wow, over 20 years ago, Yikes!!
The next one is of my sweet oldest daughter.  Her hair finally grew long enough for pony tails.  Isn't she the cutest???  She just loved oreo cookies at that age.  If you ever stopped by our house back in the day, you would regularly see her wearing pony tails and eating oreo cookies!  The title and journaling state:  Pony Tails and Oreo cookies....a sweet combination!
The next layout is one I really like because I used colors I don't normally use in my layouts.  I usually steer clear of yellow and gray just does not move me.  So, I jumped out of my box and used both colors in one layout.  This was also done for the LRS May DT challenge.  I mixed it up a bit, but the elements are still there.   You can check out the Challenge here!!
B.S., that is, before scrapbooking, I used to sew.  My friends and I would do craft fairs and sell fancy children's dresses, dolls, embellished socks and hair bows........  The more lace the better and of course, the dolls that I made matched the dresses.  It was a very fun season in my life!!  Once my girls outgrew ribbons and lace, I found other ways to fulfill my crafty addiction.  This layout celebrates the fact that I Love to Create!!!

This next project is my favorite!!!  I took some leftover chipboard and painted it with Chalkboard Paint.  I cut out two scalloped rectangles, one a 1/4 inch larger than the other, with my Cricut Machine using the Storybook Cartridge.  I glued the chipboard onto the cardstock base, then I glued the patterned paper on top.  I added a scalloped trim using my Apron Lace Punch.  Then I cute out the cute little birds from the OA papers and embellished them with some pearls and added a jute hanger embellished with some beads and ribbon.  It was easy, fun and makes a functional decoration in any room!!!

BTW, if you are attending my open house......we are making these fun little projects!!!  I hope to see you there!!!
Last, but not least, is the little card I made mirroring the design in the chalkboard.  I am going to give it to a friend who is going through a very difficult time!!!

Thank you for looking at my creations!!!
I hope you have a fantastic day!!
Look to Him my friends!!!



Lisa said...

Kristii, your projects just keep blowing me away! I love this kit and you totally rocked it! I was planning to stop by and see how you wellness challenge is going, but I see you are doing a fantastic job! YAY for you! Keep up the good work...your commitment is an inspiration!

Maria Therese said...

beautifull layouts and cards!!♥

Julie Tucker-Wolek said...

WOWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW......first....I wanna CONGRATULATE U on the 4 pounds!!!! That is AWESOME!!! But, I think U sent it my way!!! LOL :):):) I LOVEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE the LO's the wall hanging...and love love love love the card!!! GORGEOUS! :):):):):):):):):):):)

Anonymous said...

love love love your designs!!!

Julie said...

Holy Moly gorgeous stuff here Missy K. Just love it all. Yeah o n the wellness challenge acheivement

Mara Campbell said...

***sigh***I LOOOVE your projects, Kristii! Love coming to your blog for all the eye candy. I WISH I could come to your open house, looks like a fantastic project you are making!!

Thanks for all the inspiration! And WOOHOO on the 4 pounds!! Keep up the good work.

I think I used too many exclamation points...!!! :-)

Anonymous said...

Kristii, I absolutely love all the layouts and cards you've posted. Your work (play?) is superb and you are such an inspiration to those of us that long for more scrappin and creative time. Thanks for sharing!

Connie Mercer said...

Kristi, Love your Lo's. Loving that paper ,too!!!

Anonymous said...

Kristii............WoW!!! I L*O*V*E everything that you have created here!

Good luck in your wellness challenge

Shirley said...

Outstanding work Kristii and it was an honor to guest design along side you this month! Love your creations!

Nicole said...

Beautiful projects as always!

sarah said...

beautiful layouts!!!!! so creative.
