Friday, May 8, 2009

Memories of Yesterday

I found this sweet picture of my girls and it reminded me how much they loved playing with boxes.  Of course, their favorite boxes were the large refridgerator type that made amazing play houses.  But size really didn't matter.  You can see from this picture the box they were playing in wasn't very big, but it made four hours of fun with their daddy.
This is one of the many things I love about scrapping.  Who would even remember hours of fun with  boxes, except that one day, my kids will open up their albums and see these pictures and remember the good old days!!!  I used my Color Me Daisy May kit and some ribbon and embroidery floss from my stash.  This is a very basic design, but it is the picture that speaks volumes!!

I hope you all have a great weekend!!!


Lisa said...

My kiddos love boxes too...I even remember having a love for them when I was young! Beautiful LO! Hope you have a most wonderful Mother's Day!

Jocelyn said...

Boxes were always more fun than what was inside of them!!!!! LOVEEEEEEE the LO!!!! Have a Blessed Mother's Day, dear friend!!!!

Mary Jo said...

I think this all the time lately as I do more "everyday moments" layouts!
I am so glad my kids will have these memories and know how I felt :0)

Lorry said...

Love the layout!! MY kids were always into the Tupperware drawer and pots and pans, very noisy (would have prefered boxes) lol
Have a wonderful Mother' day Kristii you deserve it!

Carla said...

Oh that brings back alot of memories!! My kids loved the boxes too!
Happy Mother's Day my friend!!

Julie Tucker-Wolek said...

Ohhhhhhhhhhh I love this Kristi!!!!! LOVEEEEEEEE that U documented this special time...this is what its ALL ABOUT! :):):):):):):):):):):)

Nathalie Kalbach said...

I so love this- such an amazing layout!

Anonymous said...

Kristii - how sweet is that? I've often wondered why we buy the kids toys - just throw some boxes on the floor and they're good. Love the layout!