Wow! 2007 has been an interesting roller coaster ride of a year. It has been full of many accomplishments and trials. From skiing for the first time on January 1st to organizing my home on December 31, the year has been packed full of many interesting, surprising, and lifechanging moments. The month of December has been the most difficult of all as my mom was diagnosed with lung cancer. I was able to fly out to see her and those days were some of the best of my year.

In the year to come, I feel like I really need to concentrate more on spiritual growth. I am going to join the 2008 Scripture Challenge and I plan to concentrate less on winning scrapbook contests and work on my heart and scrapping from my heart. This year will be bringing more challenges and I want to be spiritually ready! My oldest daughter and her husband must decide by January 18 if they will take a job in Bremerton, Washington. The anticipation of their move is both exciting and heart breaking. Thankfully it is only 12 hours away and it will open up new avenues for Ed and I to explore! So, bring on 2008! I am ready for the challenge!!!