I just can't believe that we are nearing the end of July!! Part of me is sad!! Summer is almost over and I just love the summer. Part of me is glad, because that means that Benny will be home soon!!!! I just can't wait!!! It seems a lot of my pages are of Benny these days!! I miss him so much and last week when I talked with him, he just seemed so downcast.
We did receive a letter from him on Friday and it was the sweetest, most heartfelt letter he has sent to date!!! At first, when I got the letter, I was so excited!!! I was going to go home and savor every bit of it!! Then, when I got home and read the envelope, I realized it was specifically for my husband! What a let down, ha ha!!! I couldn't wait for my sweetie to arrive home so he could share it with me! The letter was amazing!!! He has grown up so much in these past months! He thanked his dad for being the dad he is and told him that he wouldn't be the man he is today without him. Wow!! These two are so much alike and they go round and round sometimes and to have Benny honor his dad like that was truly amazing. He also went on to say that he and the Lord have built up quite a relationship...Wow!!! Exactly what I have been praying for!!! We treasure each and every letter we have received from our son and this week's letter just that much more!! What a blessing!!
How amazing it was that the song this week is Good Guys Win by Jimmy Buffet. The first line of the song states, "So you're lookin for a hero". Of course, I had to take the hero out of that line and scrap about Our Hero!!! The pictures are of his swearing in and of the first time he tried on his uniform. The airmail envelopes have significant meaning as he was told by some of the guys in his platoon that if he put 2 stamps on his letters, that would make them "Air Mail" and they would get to us faster, lol!!! We couldn't figure out why he kept putting two stamps on his mail and then I finally got a chance to ask him....he just shook his head and laughed and so did we!! Too funny!! I will stick all the letters we have received from him inside those envelopes for safe keeping and for future reading pleasure. I just love my boy!!! He is amazing! He is our hero!!!

Friday Cropper's Club
We had a blast at Friday Cropper's Club!! My friend Erika brought her Scripture Challenge project with her and worked on a sweet Baby Album for her sweet baby boy due in the next few weeks!! I can't wait to see her album full of pictures of her sweet little bundle of joy!!!

My dear friend Cindy and Melinda worked on an array of projects!!!! By the way, you would never believe they are mother and daughter!!! Which one is the mother???? They both are beautiful, inside and out!!!

I thoroughly enjoyed these ladies!!! We had the best time visiting and scrapping together and that's what Friday Cropper's Club is all about!!!! (I think I owe all three of them couselor fees though...they rock!!!)
This is my Scripture Challenge layout. The word was Immutable meaning God is unchanging.

These are the seasons of change....being empty nested, my dh taking significant paycuts at his main job, Benny off at Boot Camp, losing part of my School hours and I'm not sure if I will have any hours at all....... I can be certain that God never changes. He always stays the same!!!
Thanks be to God!!!!
Last but certainly not least My dear Scrappy Friend Julie gave me this award!!!!
Julie you are the sweetest and I am so honored to know you and to be on the Scrapping the Music DT with you!!! You totally rock my friend!!!

To pick up the Circle of Friends Blog Award:
Cut and paste the award logo and use it on your own blog.
Nominate at least 5 other bloggers you feel have become part of your circle of friends.
Link to your nominees within your blog post.
Include these instructions on how to pick up the award in your blog post.
Link back to the person who gave you the award in your blog post, to show your appreciation.
Comment on their blogs to let them know they've received the award.
Cut and paste the award logo and use it on your own blog.
Nominate at least 5 other bloggers you feel have become part of your circle of friends.
Link to your nominees within your blog post.
Include these instructions on how to pick up the award in your blog post.
Link back to the person who gave you the award in your blog post, to show your appreciation.
Comment on their blogs to let them know they've received the award.
Here are 5 people I have met through blogging that have become a part of my circle of friends.
I want to thank each one of you for always bringing a smile to my face!!! I am lucky to call you all my blogging friends!!!
Thanks for stopping by!!!
I wish you all a glorious week!!!