Thursday, August 14, 2008

Time for change!

Today marks a small, but significant change in our home. I will be taking on a part-time job in addition to my full-time job that will be starting in a week. Times are difficult right now and with both of our daughters living in Washington State (I will not be a once a year visiting parent!), one going to college, and our son on the verge of college, we are feeling the crunch. So I will be taking on a small job at our local Hallmark store that will have me away from home 2 nights and one day every other weekend. I am very pleased that the hours are so limited and that they are willing to work with me regarding that fact! I do not want to give up any of my other priorities including teaching classes at my LSS, which I love! My son starts soccer next week and that is my main priority of course. I am hoping the only changes that will be taking place is that my husband will have to make dinner twice a week and I will not be surfing the computer quite as much. I spend way too much time on the computer an way, so it will be a good change I do believe. I will be limiting myself to my blog and my favorite sites and that is it. I was able to be a stay at home mom for 18 years of our married life, so I have no complaints now. I want to be able to visit my kids regularly and will do whatever I have to do to accomplish this!!

Joy of joys!!! I found a Click N Ship message in my emails yesterday, so that means my September Color Me Daisy kit is on its way!! Whoo hoo!! I am looking so forward to working with this awesome kit!! I can't wait until the are all going to love it!!!!

Whooo hoo!! I felt the stirrings of my mojo last night. I printed out a picture of Bethany and Charley and decided that I will use that picture for my next So Sketchy project! The August SC kit is so "me" and I know I will be able to put together a layout today!! I moved some paper and embellies around last night, so I am well on my way!!! That is a good feeling!!

Heidi and I went to see Mama Mia yesterday! Of course it wasn't as good as the play, but they did do it very well! We thoroughly enjoyed ourselves and our only complaint was Pierce Brosnan. Singing just isn't his specialty. I was really surprised by Meryl Streep. She totally pulled it off!!! I am really glad that we didn't take the boys, because we would have never heard the end of it!! It is definitely a chick flick and it was a perfect mother/older daughter outing!! I will miss Heidi when she leaves! The boys just don't get in to chick flicks!!!

Today's devotional from My Utmost for His Highest hits me in the heart! "Am I prepared to let God grip me by His power and do a work in me that is worthy of Himself? Sanctification is not my idea of what I want God to do for me; sanctification is God's idea of what He wants to do for me, and He has to get me into the attitude of mind and spirit where at any cost I will let Him sanctify me wholly."
I am so faint of heart and give up way too easily. I need to remember that I need to let God do his work in me and completely trust! I need to let God have his way!

Well, I gotta go get ready and look at my layout once again.
Have a great day!!


waleska said...

hi Kristii! good luck in your new job! can't wait to see your new projects. I love your work! :)

Anonymous said...

oh good luck with the new job - sounds like a fun place to work! :)

Susan Beth said...

Have fun with the new job. I don't now where you get the energy to do everything! Very impressive!

Larajc said...

Good luck Kristii with your new job. I have a part time job also, and while it cuts into your free time, it is pretty helpful $$wise.

All That Chit Chat said...

College is expensive, huh? Esp with more than one kid. Mine are small, but when they go, they'll both be in at the same time. We've been saving since they were born.

All the best as you take on your additional job.

Thanks for sharing that verse, too!

Abundant blessings to you!

Paula Barber said...

Kristii, how lucky you have been to be home for so long with your kiddos. Wishing you the best of luck with your job. I would be just like you, wanting to visit more often. I hope it is an easy adjustment for your family.

And I can't wait to see your layout!

vtpuggirl said...

Good luck with your new job/schedule. It sounds like a lot to do, but if anyone can do it all it's you! Looking forward to your layout!

vtpuggirl said...
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Rita said...

Good luck with your new jobs! My kids are still young, but it's becoming harder and harder to live on one income. Can't wait to see your LOs - they always blow me away!

aimee said...

so agree with you on the mamma mia. loved it but they needed someone else to play pb part. and ms did awesome! didn't know she had it in her!
good luck with the job hunting!

Anonymous said...

Good luck with your new job - it sounds at least enjoyable :) I can't imagine how expensive it will be when our 3 kids are ready for college, I just know how expensive it is to raise them right now. Best wishes to you in everything and thanks so much for standing up and not being afraid to share how big our God is! Blessings :)