Today I found out that a dear cyber-friend was diagnosed with Cancer. Such a dreadful disease!!! My heart hurts deeply every time I hear of another dear friend diagnosed with this
cruel disease! This September will mark the second year since my mom's hard!!! If you think of it, please pray for Lisa!!! I know she is a fighter and she will have lots of prayer behind her, thank goodness!!! She is an amazing woman and I pray the Lord, who is the great physician, will heal her and keep her strong during this fight!
This news keeps me so very determined to keep my priorities in order. God, family, taking care of myself....all at the top of my list these days. Everything else pales in comparison in the light of eternity! I want to encourage you, my dear friend, to recheck your priorities today. Get rid of those things that aren't going to matter in the long run. Take good care of yourself physically and spiritually. Take good care of your family!! That's what matters when it all comes down to it!! You are special and dearly loved. I appreciate each and every one of you!!!
Well, I am so happy to say that my sweet Heidi is beginning her final undergraduate year at MSU today!!! Whooo hoo!!! Gooooo Heidi!! We are so proud of you!!! It has been tradition since I can remember, that I have made a card for my kids on the first day of school. Today is the last card I will make for her unless she attends graduate school, in which case, the tradition will continue! I have really been into this card design lately. Such an easy, but sweet design!!!