I am so amazed that the weekend is over already. It went by so quickly, I can't beleive it!
I spent most of the weekend cleaning and purging my scrap room. I had to take the Armiore that I was storing most of my goodies in back upstairs to replace the waterbed dresser we gave away. For those of you who do not know, our waterbed sprung a leak and we decided it was time for a change. We are not young any more and our backs could use some extra support. I am really quite happy that we moved the armoire back upstairs. It really is a beautiful. and it is being put to good use. I really hope that it won't be too long until we can puchase new bedroom
furniture. Until that day, we are using our spare bed and the armoire.
We replaced the amoire with some Cubicals stoage organizers from Target. The are just perfect for scrappy goodies and I love the bright cheery colors of the baskets that fit in them. I chose lime green, turqoise, and raspberry baskets-All favorite colors of mine! I am hoping to get a white bookshelf at some time that will complete the ensemble.
I was hoping to get some scrapping done, but cleaning was the main priority. Heidi's boyfriend is coming this week and we had to get the spare bedroom back in order. I am still in this mojoless state. I have been so overwhelmed lately and the feeling just isn't going away. I am hoping that getting our bedroom put together and getting the spare bedroom cleaned will help. I think I am anticipating taxes and FAFSA too. I was hoping to begin working on them this weekend too, but all our paperwork hasn't come in yet. I just can't wait to get it all out of the way. Until the mojo comes back, I will work on cards. Hopefully the inspiration will strike a chord and I will be back in business!! I have a couple of layouts in my head that I hope will come together in the next couple of days!!
CPS #100
Thank goodness for Card Positioning Systems. CPS challenges are fantastic and they are keeping me going while I am in this terrible dry spell! Here is my take on CPS
#100. I used Making Memories Sabrina Papers, Making Memories and Kaiser Kraft pearls, Making Memories Florals,Making Memories tag, Inkadinkadoo stamp, and Prima Felt.

Thanks for taking a peek, and if you see my mojo, will you send it back home!! I need it desperately!!!
May the Peace of God fill your soul,