Monday, January 5, 2009

Happy New Year!!!

I am so happy to begin a new year!  2008 proved to be a very difficult year!  I knew it was going to hold some challenges, but I didn't know just how challenging it would be.  My word for the 2008 was Resilient, to bouce back from adversity, and for the most part I did.  I feel though, that after my mom's passing, that I just went through the motions of life, and at times I still do.  I am hoping that 2009 will bring changes for me in that area.  My goals will remain relatively the same with taking better care of myself being the priority.  It is funny how a life change will cause me to let myself go. 


My word for 2009 will be Balance.  I need to focus on balance in my life!  Spending time in the word, taking care of myself, organizing my home, loving my family, and spending as little money as possible are all on my list!  I am sure there are more areas in my life that need balance, but those are the major areas. 

I have to give my dear Son-in-Law a great big Thank You for reformatting my computer!!  It works like a dream!!  You rock and I am so grateful that you would spend so much of your vacation time working on our computer!!  

The first Scrapping the Music challenge of the year is up and the song is Hands by Jewel.  The lyrics are awesome and I hope you stop by and check out the Design Team's work.  It is absolutely amazing this week!!  Here is my take on this week's song.  I found a picture that included every aspect of my life as a mom using my hands-loving, working and praying for my
 family.  I had a lot of fun using a negative picture of praying hands and superimposing the words to the song on them.  I used colorful papers and embellies because that reflects my personality: happy and full of cheer, (well at least most of the time, lol).  
Papers and embellies are largely from Studio Calico and include October Afternoon, Sassafrass Lass and Pink Paislee Papers, Making Memories and American Crafts alphas, Pink Paislee and Anna Griffin Rubons, Making Memories and Prima florals, Jenni Bowlin tickets and bingo cards, 7 Gypsies stickers, and assorted buttons and clips from my stash.  The font is from CK.

I hope you get a chance to check out STM and play along with us!!  The whole month of January is going to be awesome!!

I also need to draw for my ornament challenge!!! ......and the winner is.......Julie!  Julie please send me your address and I will mail you the Hero Arts Stamp set as soon as possible.

I have been working on my absolutely wonderful Color Me DAisy Kit this weekend!  It is the sweetest kit ever!!  Lots of little goodies along with Pink Paislee's Sweet Cakes Line.  Absoutely declicious!!

I hope you have a great day and please share your {word} for 2009 with me!! I can't wait to see what word you all have chosen!!

May the Joy of the Lord be your strength today,


*Paula* said...

LOVE what you did with the hands in that layout - awesome idea!

Ally said...

That hand layout is so cool! Balance is tough to achieve. The first step is knowing you need to find it, so good for you on that one!

Sweet Peripety said...

gasp! i love you pg! just lovely! i love that song too- maybe i'll play along. great word pick. i'd say you have balance already- just an observation from someone who looks up to you!

Anonymous said...

Love the word Balance!!! Perfect. I have not thought of a word. Hmmmm......
I love you layout! It is perfect!

mborrero said...

Happy New Year Kristi

vtpuggirl said...

Love the hands in your layout, so cool. Beautiful colors in the kit too! Hope 2009 is better for you (I'll pray for you too).

Mara Campbell said...

Happy New Year Kristii!! What a wonderful layout. I love it! I still have to pick my word for the year, I really like yours...balance.

Can't wait to see your CMD work!!

Denise said...

Your layout for Jewel's song is perfect. I could look at it over and oever and never become bored.

I hope 2009 is not as challenging as 2008 and only good things occur. Balance is an awesome word. I need to pick out a word, but there are so many things I need to work on. Maybe I should just choose the word IMPROVE. :o)s

Dawn said...

Your LO' are always so gorgeous! My word for 2009 is 'express' as in express more how I feel through projects, writing and speaking. Happy New Year!! :-)

Jocelyn said...

Kristii, love the hand LO! Wow, what wonderful detail work! I just adore your Blog! Balance is a perfect word! I need to practice this also!!!! Let's keep in touch!!! Happy New Year my friend, may it be filled with peace, joy, hope and tons of creativity!

liz mataraza said...

wow! check you out with the negative hands and then adding the words to the outline. you rock! love the layout and the new CMD kit looks yummy.

Larajc said...

LOVE your layout Kristii. Adorable. And the kit is amazing, isn't it, I love the Sweetcakes, so cute!

Nicole Samuels said...

That hands layout is just so cool! You are so so talented! :)

Anonymous said...

Hey Kristi - just love the layout with the hands...very sweet! As usual, your work is inspiring. You are truly a gifted scrapper and I just love seeing what you create. Thanks so much for sharing. BTW, my word for 2009 is alignment - getting my life in alignment with God's word is my goal for 2009. Blessings!

Sarah Coggins said...

Gorgeous layout, Kristii! I love the borders and the journaling inside the praying hands. :)

Balance is a wonderful word to choose. I could definitely use some of that. tfs!

Happy New Year!

Staci Taylor said...

You never cease to amaze me, kristii! That LO is amazing!! I love your word - balance is a great thing to strive for!

CreativeMish said...

I love your layout and how you added the lyrics to the silhouette. My word for the year is JOY