Prom was a successs this year!! It was not traditional in any sense of the word, but I do believe that the kids had a great time!! I have several pics of my handsome young man!! Boy, does he clean up nice!!

They went to dinner at a cute little restaurant and then went on over to the school for the Grand March. The Grand March takes about an hour and a half and they were #59, so they were done in the first 40 minutes or so, which was a good thing because she had a singing engagement that she had to attend. He drove her to her school so she could perform and they were done with that about 10:30. Benny texted his friends and they had already left the dance. Wow, that was quick!! They ended up going to the show and watching Monsters vs. Aliens. They loved the movie!! Then they came over and played Halo. Nontraditional, but they had a great time! You do what you got to do!!
Scrapping the Music #79 is based on Dave Matthew's Everday. It is a fantastic song to scrap!!! I hope you all hop on over and check out this week's challenge!!

I chose the lyrics Fight for everyday, Love everyday for this week's layout. My
sweet middle daughter continues to meet challenges as she tries to meet her goals and my heart just aches for her. It just seems like it is one thing after the other and I sense she is getting worn out. Keep fighting my sweet girl. You are growing stronger every day!!
As I have been working on my bible study this week, I have been meditating on Esher 4:14, "And who knows but that you have come to royal position for such a time as this?" What is our destiny? Why are we where we are? God has a plan for each and every one of us, and I have to be in tune to his leading and guiding. What is His plan?? What is His plan for my sweet girl?? These are the Questions I will be pondering today!!
May you be in tune with Him this day and choose to smile!!