The sun is shining, the birds are singing and it's my 25th wedding anniversary!!! Whoo hoo!!! Its hard to believe that my sweetie and I have been married so long, but then I look at my kids and I know it's true!! We have had a wonderful 25 years together. Things haven't always been easy, but I can truly say I love him more today than yesterday!!! We are very lucky and blessed!!! We have 3 amazing children, a fantastic son-in-law, two sweet dogs, a beautiful home and a deep love and friendship with each other!!! Priceless!!!
LRS News
I just loved the June
Little Red Scrapbook kit!!! It is full of
Pink Paislee goodies, and you know how much I love Pink Paislee!!! I also have to say that Sara, the owner of LRS, has an amazing eye for embellishments. You will have to check out LRS and see for yourself.
As you can see from my layouts, my boy has been on my heart. I really have had a difficult time scrapping lately. Thank goodness this kit was so easy to work with!!!! So without further ado, here are my June projects:

AC Bailey News
Today is going to be a happy mail day!!! I have a large shipment coming in from AC Bailey today!!! I am amazed how how quickly my stock flies out the door!!! I am extremely excited because I earned a consultant incentive and a gift certificate which enabled me to get these:
for free!!! Whoo hoo!!! AC Bailey is the best!!! I love this job!!! Not only do I get to share my passion for scrapbooking with others, but I get to play and earn fun things along the way!!
If you are ever interested in joining AC Bailey, email me at and I would love to tell you all about it!!!
My friend Melinda is having a party this week and she wanted to make a summery layout with lots of 4x6 pictures. I don't work with lots of 4x6 photos very often, so it was a great challenge. Here is the layout I created for her party:
It made me wonder if any of you use lots of 4x6 photos in your layouts. So I came up with this idea...
Create a 2 page layout with at least 5-4x6 photos!!! I would love to see what you come up with!!!
Leave a post in this thread with a link to your layout. You will have until June 30 to post your layout and I will draw the winner on July 1.
What will the winner receive??
A Mini Sassafrass Lass Bungle Jungle kit, a mini Album and a set of Thickers!!! Who can resist a mini Sassafrass Lass kit???
I hope everyone has a great day and I can't wait to see what you do with the challenge!!!
Thanks for stopping by!!!!