The sun is shining, the birds are singing and it's my 25th wedding anniversary!!! Whoo hoo!!! Its hard to believe that my sweetie and I have been married so long, but then I look at my kids and I know it's true!! We have had a wonderful 25 years together. Things haven't always been easy, but I can truly say I love him more today than yesterday!!! We are very lucky and blessed!!! We have 3 amazing children, a fantastic son-in-law, two sweet dogs, a beautiful home and a deep love and friendship with each other!!! Priceless!!!
LRS News
I just loved the June Little Red Scrapbook kit!!! It is full of Pink Paislee goodies, and you know how much I love Pink Paislee!!! I also have to say that Sara, the owner of LRS, has an amazing eye for embellishments. You will have to check out LRS and see for yourself.
As you can see from my layouts, my boy has been on my heart. I really have had a difficult time scrapping lately. Thank goodness this kit was so easy to work with!!!! So without further ado, here are my June projects:

AC Bailey News
Today is going to be a happy mail day!!! I have a large shipment coming in from AC Bailey today!!! I am amazed how how quickly my stock flies out the door!!! I am extremely excited because I earned a consultant incentive and a gift certificate which enabled me to get these:

for free!!! Whoo hoo!!! AC Bailey is the best!!! I love this job!!! Not only do I get to share my passion for scrapbooking with others, but I get to play and earn fun things along the way!!
If you are ever interested in joining AC Bailey, email me at and I would love to tell you all about it!!!
My friend Melinda is having a party this week and she wanted to make a summery layout with lots of 4x6 pictures. I don't work with lots of 4x6 photos very often, so it was a great challenge. Here is the layout I created for her party:

It made me wonder if any of you use lots of 4x6 photos in your layouts. So I came up with this idea...
Create a 2 page layout with at least 5-4x6 photos!!! I would love to see what you come up with!!!
Leave a post in this thread with a link to your layout. You will have until June 30 to post your layout and I will draw the winner on July 1.
What will the winner receive??
A Mini Sassafrass Lass Bungle Jungle kit, a mini Album and a set of Thickers!!! Who can resist a mini Sassafrass Lass kit???

I hope everyone has a great day and I can't wait to see what you do with the challenge!!!
Thanks for stopping by!!!!
Happy anniversary Missy K. Looks like a fun chal I may try and play along.
some great things happening for you lately!
Happy Anniversary!
and we LOVE having you over at ACBailey!!
Happy Anniversary!! Love your layouts as always. I can't tell you the last time I made a 2 page layout, minus the digi ones I am doing for my Year in our Life book.
Hello Lovely Lady! Glad you are "feelin' the sunshine" today! Happy Anniversary to you and your precious man! It is obvious God has truly blessed your union. I hope you are able to celebrate in a very special way today.
Now for the scrappy! As always, I'm totally loving your LRS layouts. Every single, solitary month I say I'm going to sign up for monthly kits and I never do it. Partly because I am so behind on scrapping the kits I already have. This month...I MUST purchase this kit at least! You definitely know how to throw out the bait...and you aren't even trying to lure me into a purchase! LOL!
Congrats on all your freebies...gotta love those free things! And I'm digging your challenge. I'm in the middle of a scraproom re-do so my "play space" is a mess. Hoping to get it all in order tonight so I can get down to the business of playtime!
Thank you so much for your awesome comments of support both on my blog and at Forward Progress. I would absolutely LOVE to see what you would come up with for this prompt! You always amaze me! Hope you continue to have that beautiful day! Much love, Lisa
Great job on your layouts! Love them!!
Happy anniversary!!!! Oh my - I love your layouts- wowsers!!!!!!
Happy 25th Anniversary!!!!! Glad that your weather is great...we are rainy and expecting this through the end of the week!!! Love the creations and yes Benny is shining through! Love the Sass mini set!!!! Have a Blessed day and thank you for your inspiring comments!!!! :)
Happy Anniversary. I just love the zebra print bags. Only thing that could make it better - hot pink! I love hot pink and zebra print together :) I am definitely going to participate in your challenge. HOpefully it will get me back into scrapping. Have a great day with your honey!
Wow, wow, and wow!
Congratulations on 25 years! If 25 goes anything like 6, it's passed in the blink of an eye. :-) I hope you 2 get to do something fun to celebrate.
Yay for free stuff! It looks like so much fun, I have no doubt you'll find great uses for all of it. There are few things better than doing what you love and getting cool rewards for it.
Amazing...I love your layouts. I am looking forward to getting a few minutes (please let it be tonight!) to try out some of the techniques I've noticed you use.
Happy, happy Anniversary!!! :0)
Happy Anniversary! Hope you are doing something fun to celebrate./
Great layouts love them all, and I think I might have to try this challenge with the 4 x 6's I got plenty of them to choose from..
HAPPY ANNIVERSARY!!!!!!! LOVEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE the lo's and YOUR CHALLENGE SOUNDS FUN!! I haven't done a 2-pager in FOREVER! :):):):):):):):):):):)
Happy Anniversary!!
Beautiful layouts, Kristii. I've missed seeing your beautiful work! That empty-nest layout is my favorite. And congrats on your success with AC Bailey!! I hope it continues!!!
HAPPY Anniversary to you and your DH!!!
fabulous layouts!!!
Kristii!! Happy anniversary to you and DH!! Hope it is a fun time for you both!
Your layouts are amazing as always!! I didn't think I would like this kit as much as the others, but when I got it, wow, I loved it!! You are right, Sara does have a great eye for embellies!!
Love love love the freebies!! Sounds like a wonderful deal to me!
I am going to try and get the challenge done and I will post my link here when I get it done.
happy anniversary! oh that looks like a fabulous kit...
a 2 that is a challenge for me!
Kristii, you are so inspiring - I looove your work! You are so clever, too - I love that you used a photo of a nest on the empty nest LO - fabulous! Happy happy anniversary to you and your hubby!
Happiest of Anniversary's!!!
25 is very special!
Love your circle layout! The red buttons are lovely!
That Bag is to die for!!! I'd love to get that. Is the company your doing a home based company?
Happy Anniversary, friend!
And as always, love the LO's...and good for you on the freebies from AC Bailey. glad that it is working out so well for you!
No LO, but wanted to say 'Happy 25th'!!! Wow!
And your LO's are just stunning!!!
So very very creative!!
Gorgeous stuff, as always! You rock! I wanted to let you know that My Scrapbook Nook is having a design team call--hoping you will throw your hat in and apply! Happy anniversary!
Congrats on your AC Baily goodies...they are fabulous! I just love your LO's as usual...terrific!
Big Congrats on your 25th!
Happy Anniversary and hope you had a wonderful day! Love your creations with the LRS kit! Your work is always so inspiring!
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