Scrapping the Music #89.
This week's song is Our Town, by James Taylor. I wasn't sure where I was going to go with this song, but when I saw the lyrics, "Time Brings Change", I knew I had to make a layout with my boy. He has changed so much, especially in the last 6 months. He is becoming a man. Wow, where has the time gone. I used my STudio Calico kit for this one and it was perfect with all the little boy images!

Thank you for taking the time to stop by and I will be by your blogs in the next couple of days. We will be gone with Benny until Wednesday.
Don't forget Friday Cropper's club is starting up this Friday. Click on the prompt on the top right hand side of this page for more information!!!
See you all on Wednesday!!
i will have to listen to the song!
That is a fantastic layout! I'm praying for you during this time of transition.
Oh Kristii..what a tough day this must be for you!!! The pic of your son and the girls made tears well!!! So innocent and care free!!! I know that you will be in constant prayer for the safety of your son...I too will keep him in my daily prayers!!! The LO is a wonderful tribute and boy did the STM Challenge hit at the right time!!!!! Wishing you a safe trip and looking forward to hearing from you when you return!!! Much love....:)
Kristii great layout as always, but more importantly is the fine young man you and your husband have raised. You both should be proud and I will add him to my "safe prayer" list. Congratulations to Benny for making a choice to serve, it's the men and women like them that allow us to be free to do and become what we want to be! God Bless!
I will be keeping your son in my prayers!!!! LOVEEEEEEEEEEEEE the LO....love the vintage feel to it!!!!! GORGEOUS! :):):):):):):):):):):):):)
Good luck to your son!
You must be so proud as hard as it is for you :0)
Great layout here. I hope all goes well with your son and the big transistion.
Enjoy your holiday.
Wonderful layout!!!
And I wish your son all the luck during these 6 years! And a lot of strength to you and the rest of your family! As a mother of a son I can imagine how you must feel...
beautiful layout..
Safe wishes going out to you and your son.
Another fabulous LO!
I will keep you and your son in my prayers!! I can't even imagine how hard it must be. But it is a wonderful thing and you must be so proud!!!
Beautiful layout and what a FUN photo of your kiddies back in the day!! Big hugs to you Kristii and your family as you all move on in life. I hope the move goes well and can't wait until you're back blogging again!
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