I remember when we were first married.....we would look at couples who had been together for ten years and think, "WoW!" that's a long time. Now we are the "old" couple who have been married forever....how did time go by so quickly?? It hasn't always been easy. I know I can be difficult to live with, but I have a husband who is very caring and compassionate. A true soul-mate who is still my very best friend!! We work way too much these days, but we still make sure to find the time to spend together. Whether it is a cup of coffee on the front porch or a sandwich between jobs, we make sure to have those moments to connect. I am so thankful for my husband!!! We have been blessed beyond measure!

This is one of my favorite pictures of us. It shows the love...(along with the wrinkles, lol) that we have for one another. I look forward to another 26 years sweetie!!! I love you!!
Love suffers long and is kind; love does not envy; love does not parade itself, is not puffed up; does not behave rudely, does not seek its own, is not provoked, thinks no evil; does not rejoice in iniquity, but rejoices in the truth; bears all things, believes all things, hopes all things, endures all things. Love never fails.
~ 1 Corinthians 13:4-8a.Thanks for stopping by!!!
I hope you have a wonderful day!!
Congratulations, you two! You're such fabulous people, and your deserve all the happiness in the world. Thanks for being a shining example to the rest of us! :)
I just found your blog and thought I would say hello to a fellow Montana'n =0) Congrats to you on 26 years!
Oh and should say fellow scrappin, papercraftin addict LOL Loved your cards below! =0)
Congrats to the two of you!!!! What a great looking couple to you!!! We will be right up there with you in August!!!!
Have a wonderful day together!!! Love you sweet friend!!!
Happy Anniversary!!!!
HAPPY ANNIVERSARY! :):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):)
Happy Anniversary! Hope you get some wonderful time together!
Congratulations!! Have a wonderful anniversary. My hubby and I will be right there with you in Dec. for 26years. He is my soulmate too. Only had to go half way around the globe to find him.
Leslee in MT
Oh wow congratulations Kristii! 26 years together is awesome and that is a fabulous photo!
Congratulations!! Yes 26 years it´s a long time... hope you have a great day!
Sorry I missed this earlier! So Congratulations for 26 years!! That photo is great, and love the "wrinkles" part of story too..
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