Wednesday, January 4, 2012

Top 11 of 2011

Happy Wednesday sweet friends!!!  I hope your New Year has started off with a bang!  My days have been relatively quiet and busy playing with our new pup, Ruby.  She's such a sweetheart and we are enjoying her tremendously!!  Isn't she the cutest?
Last year I started the tradition of posting my top favorite projects from the previous year on my blog, and though I am a bit behind, I thought I would do it once again for 2011.  It really is fun going through the previous year and taking in all that you made and remembering all that happened in your life as well.  What a year 2011 was!  So, without further ado, here are my top 11 for 2011:

I took on several new design team roles in 2011.  Some were very challenging, and some were just plain fun!  The first card was made for the Glitz Design team and I tell you, I had a blast with all of their goodies!!  The following card is one of my favorites using their goodies!!!
The next project was made just for fun and I completely fell in love with it.  Who knew Vintage Hymnal paper would make Easter Eggs look so special?
Another design team I started designing for in 2011 was Pink Persimmon and I just have to say that some of my best work came from inspiration using their stamps!!  This is one of my favorite cards of the year!

Of course Papertrey Ink will always be one of my favorite companies!  I designed this fun little card set using several of their stamp sets and the picket fence die!!  Sigh....PTI totally rocks!!
One of my most memorable projects was this sweet little baby card.  I entered it into the Paper Crafts Magazine Gallery Idol Contest and became one of the top 20 finalists!  What an honor!!!

Another one of my Pink Persimmon Favorites is this sweet little baby shower announcement set!!  That little set was so fun to play with!!!

I totally fell in love with these papers and die cuts from PTI!!!  Pure Fall deliciousness!!!
I also started designing for a fun little stamp company called Prickley Pear Rubber Stamps.  They have some of the sweetest stamps around.  This is one of my favorites using their stamps:
This card is another favorite using Glitz Design along with some Tim Holtz and Papertrey Ink Dies.  Such a great combination!!  I just love the challenge of making Christmas goodies with non Christmas goodies!!
Another Papertrey Ink favorite comes next.  I just love the little $5 sets and this little penguin is the cutest ever!!  I paired him up with several PTI dies and had a blast!!
My favorite card of the year was inspired by my most recent design team addition, Lisa Pace's Antiquated Collection!!  Lisa Pace's new Antiquated Line of Stamps by Pink Persimmon are absolutely fabulous!!!  I just love her vintage style and I am looking forward to playing with her stamps in the year to come!!

Well, that wraps up my favorites of 2011!!  Thanks for taking the journey with me!!  I'm not sure what 2012 will hold, but I am looking forward to the ride!!
Wishing you all the best in the New Year!


  1. These projects are AMAZING, Kristi! :)

  2. Gorgeous, gorgeous projects, Kristii!! :) I can see why they are some of your favorites!

  3. Beautiful projects Kristi!! And what a sweet pup, I bet you are loving her to pieces!

  4. What a cute puppy dog! And thank you for sharing your top 11! It is a gorgeous collection of beautiful cards!

  5. Love your cards and really enjoyed looking at your blog!

  6. I love them all , but I do remember that adorable baby card with the stork . I have made one like it a few times from you inspiration. Kristii you are very creative. Your puppy is adorable, enjoy!

  7. love them all especially the garden variety cards!!

  8. Kristi, these are all amazing projects. Love the details on your work...simply beautiful. Happy New Year to you. :)

  9. Kristii, what a gorgeous collection of favorites. Beautiful colors and details.

  10. What a wonderfully creative year you had! I recognized almost all of these delightful projects as you are one of my favorite designers. I hope the coming year will be even better for you. thanks for all of your inspiration. :-)

  11. So many lovely projects Kristi!! Best wishes for the 2012

  12. You have such a great style, Kristii! Your projects are delightful. LIl' Ruby is a doll. ;)

  13. You should be so very proud of these projects, Kristii!! Each and every one is a treasure, indeed!! HOw inspiring to see them all here together! While I love them all, that card for Gallery Idol is my favorite!! I thought it then, and still think it now that I see it again...that is one top notch card!! so glad you shared these! (and so glad you're enjoying little Ruby!!)

  14. Wowzers!! What stunning projects! Absolutely LOVE your year in review, Kristii. Thanks so much for sharing some of your favorites. They are truly amazing!

  15. I see you are a fan of OA paper! We love to see that. you should submit them to our Flickr Page:
