Last week was a difficult week and I am hoping this week will be much brighter!
It seems that lately most of my posts have been about giving thanks, but I think that in times such as these you had better count your blessings. I refuse to be depressed!
I think that one of the hardest things in life is seeing your kids go through disappointment and difficulties. When they are younger you can put a band aid on their hurts and give them a kiss to make it all better. When they are adults, you have to encourage them and help guide them in another direction. It is painful being a parent sometimes, but through the difficulties, you know they will grow and mature and become the amazing adult God has created them to be! So here is my thankful list for this week:
1. I am thankful that each of my kids are unique. A special combination of their father and me. They each have special talents and interests. They are amazing!
2. I am thankful they are coming home for Christmas!! Whoo hoo!! This year will be very speical indeed!
3. I am so thankful we have a home for them to come back to!
4. I am extremely thankful for our jobs that provide for our needs. In this day and age when people are being laid off left and right, we still have jobs!
5. I am thankful that God has a plan. Our plans may fail, but He doesn't fail. He knows our needs and provides for them every day. He will not leave us nor forsake us!
6. I am thankful my girls get to spend Thanksgiving together. I will miss them, but I know they will have a great time together!!
7. I am thankful that I still have the time and energy to be creative.
8. I am thankful that my sweetie, my son and I make time for each other. During this busy time of 2 jobs and and just trying to make it day to day, we are making sure to have some quality time througout the week! So Important!
9. I am very thankful for an extra day off this week, Whoo hoo!! I can't wait!
10. I am thankful that we have another day to live, be happy, and rejoice regardless of the circumstance. Thank you Lord for another day!!!
Today is a very special day in fact! It is my sweet hubby's birthday!! Happy Birthday Sweetie!! You may be another day older, but you are the youngest man I know. You have so much energy and spunk! You are amazing and I love you!!!

I finished another sketch layout for the
So Sketchy Blog by Allison Cope. I hope you get to take some time to check out Allison's work! She is amazing and her sketches are so fun to work with!!
I used my November SC kit for this layout. The journalings says, "Believe you are beautiful, and this is not conceit. You did not create yourself, God did and all of God's creations are beautiful".
I hope you all have a spectacular day!!