Wednesday, October 1, 2008

Happy October!!

I love October! The trees, the leaves, the crisp chill in the air, the decorations-it all pleases the senses! We have a very busy month ahead! Benny finishes up his soccer season, I am teaching a couple of classes at my LSS, I am attending a scrapbook retreat, and we will get to go to Spokane to see Heidi!! I look forward to it all!

Here are a couple of pictures from Benny's previous games.

Benny still has a few soccer games left in this season. He is starting to get geared up for the ski season, but we are in the midst of an indian summer. The high today is supposed to be in the 80's. The weather is supposed to change on Saturday and I am actually looking forward to it!Scrapping has been difficult lately. I really haven't been able to do too much. I know it is going to come-It will just take time. I hope it will be sooner rather than later! I have my beautiful October Color Me Daisy kit on my table. Isn't it gorgeous? I look so forward to scrapping the way I used to. Oh Well, today is another day and we will see what it holds!!

I realized in all of the events of the past few weeks, I forgot to post my September layouts from Little Red Scrapbook. The September kit was amazing and the October kit is going to be just as fabulous! I can't wait to get it in my hands!!

Currently, I am doing a study by Beth Moore called Stepping Up. It is based on Psalms amd it is just perfect for this time in my life! God is good! I just finished Day 2 which focused on Psalm 120. The first verse says, "In my distress I called out to the Lord and He answered me." I am comforted knowing that in my distress, when I cry out to the Lord he will answer me. He may not answer right away or give me the answer I desire, but He is there and He will answer! I hope today that whatever distress or situation you may find yourself in that you cry out to the Lord!!

May God's richest blessings be yours today,



Kelly said...

Oh Kristii-
your layouts are completely gorgeous and your photos are absolutely fantastic!!

Helsbells said...

What lovely projects. The banner is cute :)

Chris Dodaj said...

Gorgeous layouts, Kristi!!
that kit looks fantastic!!

Anilú Magloire said...

Wow! Gorgeous pages, K!
I really want Nati to start playing soccer. Cool pics.

Lynn said...

gorgeous LOs Kristii. As always:)

Nancywithajones said...

OH I LOVEEEE that pink paislee vintage moon paper! You did an amazing job with it too!

AnnaMarie said...

Your pics are always fun and your LO's are always GORGEOUS! Fantastic work, you rawked the LRS kit and Pink Paislee goodies! :)

Your study sounds so spiritually enriching, it sounds like a wonderful journey ahead of you too!

Denise said...

Kristii, before you know it you will be back scrapping like usual. It's hard not to have the drive to do something you love, but it always returns. It just takes time. The layouts you posted are gorgeous as always. I love looking at your work. It is always a joy and I get so much inspiration from you.

Your son looks like he is a go getter when playing soccer. My niece and nephews play and we have a couple of weeks left. I love the view you get to see while at a game. Those mountains are amazing.

Jak said...

wow! your layouts are stunning, love what youve done with the new PP.

mommy2alex said...

Gorgeous layouts, cards and super cute fall decor!!
Happy October!

Lauren said...

yummy layouts

love beth more

vtpuggirl said...

Such beautiful projects! Hope your get some time soon to scrapbook! Enjoy the season!

Chrys said...

gorgeous layouts!!!! I love Beth's studies, it's been a few years since I've done one, but they are great!

Rita said...

Gorgeous, gorgeous LOs! I love them all, but the Too Cute to Spook is just darling :) Thank you for sharing that inspirational verse with us :)

Susan Beth said...

You are so talented! And you've got your priorities straight and your heart where it should be. Can I grow up to be you? Please!

Mara Campbell said...

Kristii, I love all the action soccer shots. They are fantastic! I can't wait to see what you do with the CMD kit. Your other layouts are great, I love the circle ones!!

Monique Liedtke said...

Wow, what a difficult time it has been for you. I hope that from now on times will be better! I admire the way you write your posts. When I started reading them I just couldn't stop. Love the pages you created.

Lea L. said...

Gorgeous projects Kristii!!

And great soccer pics...hope your son has had a very fun season!
