Monday, September 29, 2008

A New Day

So here it is, a new day of a new week. A time to start fresh and be thankful for each and every moment God has given. It is not just Monday, it is a new day! Rejoice in the Lord always, again I will say rejoice! I am thankful for this new day! I have another day to do all those things that need to be done, another day to tell my family how much I love them, another day to make wrongs right, another day to live for the Lord! And so I will rejoice and I will be thankful for another breath. I hope this finds you thankful for another day! I hope you are rejoicing right where you are, in whatever circumstance you may be in. You have another day, Rejoice!

Last week was a difficult week. I couldn't scrap. All I could do, was go through each day, and let it take care of itself. I finally was able to scrap a little on Saturday and a little more yesterday. Whoo hoo, the light is shining through just a bit. I decided today was the day I should start blogging again. I will be doing a happy layout of my mom soon, the ideas are rolling around in my head and that is a good thing! In the meantime I wanted to post some pictures my dad took of me and my siblings while we where in Arizona. It was so good to be with them and I truly hope that we keep in touch more now than we have in the past! I am so proud of all of them!

My siblings and I.
All of us with our significant others.

All of us with my sister's kids.

I treasure these photos!! What a beautiful family we have!! I love you all tremendously!!

I was able to finish up a little card this weekend. Whoo hoo! I actually scrapped! This is for a class I am teaching next week for Keepsakes by Design.

Don't you just love Pink Paislee? I had a blast with my Cricut and my spooky fence punch from Martha Stewart. This, in all honesty, is my first attempt at making a card with clear acetate. I have to admit it was a blast! I love all the depth you can create when you use acetate!

I hope you all have a fantastic week and may this find you Rejoicing in the Lord.



Anilú Magloire said...

Glad to read you hopeful, Kristii!
I loved what you wrote.
I miss my fam so much...
Beautiful pics :)

Nancywithajones said...

((((HUGS))))) Love the photos I know they will be special to you always.
LOVE THAT CARD you rocked it girl

Susan Beth said...

Rejoice is right. Always! Love the family pictures! And really liking the card a lot. You rocked the clear acetate!

Jacquie said...

I'm happy to hear that your spirits are more lifted. That is one gorgeous card too.

waleska said...

beautiful pictures of the family, Kristii! and the card is adorable!! :)

Chrys said...

LOVE that card!!!! wonderful pics!

Nicole said...

love the card krisy! glad you are doing better :)

Lauren said...

Kristii, Welcome Back..So nice to read your blog again. I can't believe it, but I think you just enabled me to get that MS punch.. Too cute! Have a wonderful day!

Lauren said...

Kristii, Welcome Back..So nice to read your blog again. I can't believe it, but I think you just enabled me to get that MS punch.. Too cute! Have a wonderful day!

Jenn said...

Glad that things are turning around. Great family photos! and a super duper Cute card!!!

vtpuggirl said...

I love the acetate card, didn't realize that the first time I saw it. Very, very pretty and cool. Love that punch! Rejoicing for one more day!

Denise said...

You are so inspiring. I love your optimism. It is always a positive experience coming to your blog. Thank you!

Mara Campbell said...

Big hugs Kristii, so glad you are feeling better!!! Your card is amazing!

Unknown said...

beautiful family Kristii
yes it is a new day and rejoice in it.. i really love your perspective..
love the halloween card too..

Mary Jo said...

Beautiful card, Kristii!
I'm so sorry it was a hard week but what precious time to have with family even though the circumstances were so sad.
I find myself thinking more and more lately, especially after Aleida's death, how precious each day is.
It's so eye opening.

Anonymous said...

Kristii - so glad to hear you're doing well. How exciting to know we do have another chance at blessing all the people we come in contact with each day. Love your card - way cute!! You're awesome! Keep doing what you do and sharing with others. Many blessings to you :)

Cath said...

Kristii, it's so nice to see you beginning slowly to heal. Sending you love.