Wow! What a long week! I'm so hoping to catch up on life this weekend...we'll see!!!
I totally have to get myself in gear and start deep cleaning rooms out in preparation for Graduation... and speaking of Graduation...I still have to get announcements ready to mail...ok....deep step at a time!!! I can do this!!! If you're anything like me you have to stop a minute take a breath and take a pause. Be thankful for the little things in the day and don't let the cares of this world take away your joy. So for today, I'm going to make a list of those things that bring me joy and remind me that the Lord is in control!!
1. A soft, gentle kiss from my husband!!!
2. A random text from my kids!!
3. The birds singing first thing in the morning!!
4. Children's laughter as they play in the park.
5. Flowers blooming in the spring.
6. Green Grass!!
7. Taking a Walk with my husband!
8. Teaching a scrapbook class!!!
9. Sunshine and blue skies!!
10. When Charley lays at my feet...what a sweet pup he is!!!
Thanks be to the Lord for little Blessings!!!!
Something else that brings me joy are memories of my mom!!! I miss her tremendously!!! Here is a card I made in memory of her...

Thanks for taking time to stop by my blog!!!
I wish you a wonderful day full of little blessings!!!