Whoo hoo!! Heidi and I are going to go shopping and take in a movie this afternoon! I am looking forward to spending some time with her today. Summer break is going by so quickly and before I know it, she will be going back to school. I am not sure which movie we will go see, but there are several out that would be fun to watch.
Before we go, I have issues with the post office that I need to take care of.
My daughter, who lived with us for a month, filled out a change of address form when we moved them to Seattle. No big deal, right? Wrong! The mailcarrier assumed that meant the whole household would be moving to Seattle even though she put in a change of address for herself- individual, and for her and her husband (different last name)-Family. All of my mail was being forwarded to her in Seattle. So I go in to the post office last Wednesday to correct the error, and assume everything would be taken care of. I get a letter from my bank requesting a change of address form be filled out. What??? So I clear that up...today I checked the status of a package that had been sent on Saturday and it is labled-forwarded. The package was sent out after I went in to correct their mistake. There should have been no problem. I am going to have to go in once again and make sure they have it right and see if they will forward my packages...(yes packages-Bethany sent my dh a Father's Day Present that was forwarded back to her) without being charged a second time for postage! I hope this will all get resolved soon! It is so frustrating!
On a lighter note, I am so excited! I have lost 5 pounds since school let out!! Yay! I have to keep it up!! I am not a spring chicken any more and I have to work hard to get myself in shape!!
I have been working on a class I will be teaching tomorrow night. It is a mini called, The Story of Me. I can't wait, I haven't taught any classes for a while! Such a fun little project with lots of goodies inside! Can't wait to see you all tomorrow night!!

Since I am preparing for this class, I haven't done a new page, but I realized I have an older page that I haven't posted yet. This was made for the book club at Keepsakes by Design. We used Nic Howard's book, That's life. I love Nic's work and I thoroughly enjoyed making this layout! Thanks for the inspiration!

I used the Studio Calico December kit for this one. Studio Calico kits totally rock!!
Here's my quote for the day:
A smile is a curve that sets everything straight. ~Anonymous
Hope you have a great day!
I loved that layout way back when, and I still love it today. You are part of why I've signed up for SC kits - starting in July. Great for you on the 5 pound loss! Keep up the good work! Post office woes suck! Sorry you have to go through that. It is so hard to get mistakes like that straightened out.
Yummy... yummmy.... yummmyyy!!!! Wished i had gotten my hands on that kit!
Beautiful work Kristii! I love your layout, and wish I could come around to take your class!
You are right - summer is going WAY TOO fast. I can't believe June is almost over.
Good luck with your post office dilemma and thanks for sharing the gorgeous LO.
I loved this layout the first time I saw it also, I still love it! Congrats on the 5lb!
I just found your creations on 2peas. My mouth dropped to the ground! Love, Love, Love.....did I say LOVE, your work!!
I was just telling Evan yesterday that summer is going by to fast for me already!!!
Sorry about the post office mishaps! So frustrating.
And oh my goodness that's a pretty layout :0)
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