Thursday, June 19, 2008

A Park with a View

We took another trip into Yellowstone National Park with Heidi's boyfriend, Travis. Believe it or not, Travis has been to the Park before, but he didn't really see any animals-Just a few elk at the Madison junction. We had to remedy that situation for sure. He was in for a treat!!
We saw so many animals including baby elk, baby buffalo, an eagle, a heron, pelicans, moose, a marmot, and 4 bears and one cub. Wow! What a day!! Here are some pictures highlighting our trip:

Heidi and Travis at the entrance gate.

Baby Buffalo-soooo cute!

Heidi and Travis at Yellowstone Lake.

There's a moose somewhere in those willows!!

A Great Blue Heron

Heidi and Travis clowing around.

The first black bear we saw.

This was the 4th bear and we had a great time watching him. He was off the beaten path and there weren't a lot of other sightseers. He was very busy eating the plentiful grass. Totally awesome!

It was an awesome day-we couldn't have asked for more!!

Have a great day,



Anilú Magloire said...

Oh, how cool that you got to see all those animals.
Love your pics, K!

liz mataraza said...

love the pics as always! what a great time!

Sweet Peripety said...

That is soooo wonderful! What a nice trip. Love the pics....I bet you'll have an easy time using the next SC kit!

april said...

wow kristii! i'm so jealous of your vacation. greg would be jealous too, given his love for wildlife.

vtpuggirl said...

They are such a cute couple! Great pic of the bear!

Anonymous said...

What awesome pictures!!!