I finished a layout this morning called Best Friends. It celebrates the amazing relationship my girls share with each other. You know, when your kids are toddlers, you wonder if the fighting will ever end. As the years go by, gradually you see a friendhip blossom and bloom. When they become adults, it is a most beautiful thing for a mom could ever see. I treasure the fact that my girls are best friends. They are separated by many miles, but their hearts are always together! I love you girls!!!

I have to check with the post office today and make sure my packages are on their way back to me. I hope this will be resolved soon!! Come on USPS!!!
Here is a good quote for today:
To be happy, do not add to your possessions, but subtract from your desires. ~anonymous
Have a great day!!
Gorgeous LO Kristii! Good to know there is a light at the end of the tunnel to the fighting!
love the layout kristii! i hope my daughters (and son!) are close when they are older too!
this page is gorgeous Kristii! I look forward to those days LOL I really hope my boys are good friends when they grow up.
GORGEOUS layout kristii!!
what a nice story too!!
I really really like this page. You excel at scrapbooking. You really do!
Oh wow! Kristii you just keep doing it right! This is a great page and great subject matter!
Simply beautiful! I love it! Keep up the beautiful work, it is inspiring!
Wishing you good luck with the post office. Beautiful layout, I love that one!
Your page of Heidi and I...It's really good mamma! Miss you!
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